
 FDTOINLINE fdfile hdrfile [-o inline_header_file]

 For FDTOINLINE to operate properly two files are required -- the .FD
 file for the library and a prototype file for the library.  The exact
 path specification of the prototype file is also important as it is
 used verbatim by the generated inline header file.

 fdfile      specifies the .FD file we wish to generate inline
         calls for

 hdrfile     specifies the prototype file describing the
         library functions via standard ANSI C prototypes.

 -o inline_hdr   specifies the output file that FDTOINLINE is
         to create.

 FDTOINLINE will generate an inline header file based on two input
 files. The two input files required are the .FD file for the library in
 question and a header file containing standard ANSI C prototypes for
 the library.

 FDTOINLINE will generate a special #include file which #include's the
 originally specified prototype file and then appends appropriate junk
 to cause the calls to be made in an inline fashion when the -mi option
 to DCC is used.

 Since FDTOINLINE attempts to #include the original prototype file and
 since you normally name the output file the same as the original
 prototype file with the exception of placing it in a different directly,
 you must be sure that your specification of the original prototype
 file be complete enough so that when you #include the generated header
 file said file will be able to #include the original prototype file
 without accidently #including itself.

 Why do we name FDTOINLINE's generated header file the same as the
 original prototype file and stick it in a different directory?  The
 answer is simple -- it allows us to turn on and off inline library
 calls with a DCC switch (-mi) without requiring us to modify our source
 code.  A random source file would include the commodore standard
 prototypes in the following manner:

 #include <clib/exec_protos.h>

 Since DICE scans DINCLUDE: before it scans DINCLUDE:AMIGA20, our
 generated prototype files (DINCLUDE:CLIB/*_PROTOS.H) will overide the
 commodore standard prototype files (DINCLUDE:AMIGA20/CLIB/*_PROTOS.H).
 However, our generated prototype files must be able to include the
 commodore standard prototype files as part of their operation, so a
 more explicit path specification for the original prototype is required
 when one runs FDTOINLINE to generate an inline capable file.  The
 command we use to generate our inline files can be illustrated by the
 following example:

 1> cd dinclude:
 1> fdtoinline amiga20/fd/exec_lib.fd amiga20/clib/exec_protos.h -o clib/exec_protos.h

 Note carefully the specification of the original prototype file... it
 is sufficiently explicit enough so that it will not be confused with
 the generated inline file allowing the inline file to access the
 original file.


 In order to prevent mixing of DICE distribution includes and your own
 custom includes, prototype files, and whatnot, we provide the
 DINCLUDE:PD directory which DICE automatically scans.  Any custom
 includes or generated inline prototype files or whatnot should be
 included in this directory.  We suggest that you put all of your
 non-standard includes and custom library prototypes / inline header
 files under this directory.

 The proscribed method for generating custom inline header files
 is as follows:

 (1) MakeDir DINCLUDE:pd/protos if it does not already exist

 (2) MakeDir DINCLUDE:pd/fd     if it does not already exist

 (3) MakeDir DINCLUDE:pd/clib   if it does not already exist

 (4) Place the prototype file provided along with the library in

 (5) Place the .FD file provided along with the library in


 (7) FDTOINLINE fd/fubar_lib.fd protos/fubar_protos.h -o clib/fubar_protos.h

 Your source code would then reference your custom library by including:

 #include <clib/fubar_protos.h>

 Note that from a coding standpoint your source will conform to the
 Commodore standard for prototype files, even though the actual header


 A number of problems will come up when you attempt to install custom
 libraries to be compilable under DICE.  I've outlined the major
 problems below.

 (1) No .FD file came with the library.  Unfortunately there is not much
 that can be done if you do not have the .FD file.  The .FD file is
 the Commodore standard for all shared libraries and any library
 distributed to the general public should also include an associated
 .FD file.  Your only recourse here is to ask the author of the
 library to provide the appropriate file!

 (2) No prototype file came with the library.  Again, this is something
 that the author should have provided but all is not lost if it
 doesn't exist.  You simply have to create a prototype of your and
 assign your best guess for argument types in each library call.
 For example, if a library call returns a string and takes three
 integer arguments you could construct a prototype as follows:

 char *NameOfCall(long, long, long);

 (3) The prototype file that came with the library requires other
 #include's to be brought in before it.  There will be many cases
 where an author will assume that <exec/types.h> and other
 standard includes have already been #include'd by a source file
 before the author's own prototype file is included.  This is
 incorrect thinking on the authors part and makes use of his
 prototype file difficult.

 The workaround is to MODIFY the author's prototype file to make it
 self contained.  For example, if the author's prototype file
 required <exec/types.h> then you would prepend the following to
 his prototype file:

 #ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
 #include <exec/types.h>

 The conditional #ifndef/#endif is not necessary but will improve
 compilation speed by not including header files that have already
 been included.

Converted using GuideML V1.6, a converter written by Richard Körber <>